"For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." (Luke 15:24)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
That's the site where you can voice out how much you don't want "Takipsilim" (the Twilight Filipino version) to be a reality!
Sign Sign Sign!! hahah
Its really SICK, how the Philippines want nothing but copied stuff.
Monday, December 8, 2008
It just surprises me, how evident God's unending GRACE has really been in my 16years of existence.
In times when I find no hope, and everything seems to just be out of order, He's there. He fixes everything, yes EVERYTHING. It may not seem "fixed" in the eyes of men, but He sure knows what He's doing! =)
He makes sure that everyday I get to accomplish what I need to accomplish, though usually it seems as if I can't so anything right, when I start working? Everything just seems to fall into place.
I guess I just want to say :
all we need is FAITH~ =)
So in whatever you do?
Trust in Him, that He will (and He surely will) carry you through~ =)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
WE MADE HISSTORY!! (for.. 2months? max!)
You read that right!
WE, SENIORS '09, made history by being the first senior batch to NOT win the annual CSA Sportsfest.
And as our defeat is remembered, so is the Sophomore's glory remembered.
Sadly, in about 2 months or less... Who would remember anything even occurred??
Awww... So much for going down in history~
Actually, we aren't mad at any particular batch, or anyone for that matter. (except probably for |lynz23)
But let us just get this straight.
Let's face it! The annual sports fest held is nothing but a day of CHEATING.
I will not go into details here, but we ALL know what happened. I believe that everyone has at least witnessed one incident or another.
And what about "FAIRNESS"??
1. We were supposed to use the song "Forever" for our cheerdance routine, but what happened? The school prohibited us. And so what's the catch?? On the day of the sporstfest, the Sophies danced to that tune... Now tell me what's fair??
2. A certain dance step was removed from the routine of our cheerdancers, and then what?? We see the same move performed by the Juniors! What a display of JUSTICE and FAIR JUDGEMENT!
3. Tradition, tradition, tradition. Our batch shirt was supposedly with hood attached, but what happened?? The school said that it was against TRADITIONS, and that if we were to push through with it, our Year Officers would have to be suspended and we are to pay a fine of 5000php. (Personally? I wonder what that 5000php is for.)
COME ON!! You tell us that we are free to design our shirts, and an added "hood" you won't allow! Oh, so you want to be "TRADITIONAL", then why not study not with books but with SCROLLS! And why not just stay at home and read them, after all THAT'S TRADITIONAL!
The list would go on and on, and I don't think this is the place to put them all down.
And for the record??
The Sophies' cheer may not be loud nor clear, it was really nice. And yep, I think it was better than ours. We may have the loudness and clarity (I think) but let's face it, some of our cheers have been lifted from HSM3 and some from who-knows-where. originality was a factor. Also, some of our cheers? 'Pinilit lang lagyan ng beat, wala naman talagang beat.'
The Muse, we all know our Cassandra Wang is really intellectual. But we all can see, we lack confidence. Cassie may have the best English (both in grammar and vocab) compared to all the other muses, but she lacks confidence. After all, she's not out to speak to a crowd very often. And I think that was a big factor. But one thing's for sure! THE BEST MUSE THAT WON MADE MY EARS BLEED WITH THEIR (she and her escort) "so-called" TALENT!!!!
And yeah, as for the Picture taking?
All we wanted was a little respect, I mean it is a TRADITION for the Seniors to have their batch picture taken right after the cosing ceremony, and we DON'T REALLY CARE IF ANY OTHER BATCH WOULD WANT THEIR PICTURE AS WELL!! All we wanted was for them to WAIT! I mean, that was OUR time. They can have their picture taken AFTER US.
Actually the picture taking thing is very trivial, its just that at that moment, we seniors weren't really in our best behavior anymore. After all those SHOCK we received. It was our bad. We shouldn't have made a big deal out of it.
And as for "|lynz23"...
What on earth do you want?? Braggin' won't get you anywhere! And besides, we do know you've won already, so why do that?? Fine, so maybe you just wanted to boost the morale of your batch mates, then MAYBE, just MAYBE you took careful notice as to whom that message would be sent to... Apparently it seems like you had the intention of sending it not just to Sophies but to OTHERS. How can i say so? There was this line at the bottom of your message that says something like ... "Wag ma-offfend yung ibang mga batch diyan..."
Anyways, what's done is done.
God would be the one to deal with the Ungodly~~ =)
And besides, who needs that trophy?? I mean we can't use it to get into Ateneo, UP, LaSalle, or UST can we?? Nor can we use it to get a job!! =)
And what else??
Monday, November 10, 2008
Princesses~ =)
And that we are all HEIRS and HEIRESSES to out Lord's Kingdom right?
So that makes us all royalty!! haha (I am starting to sound cornier and cornier!)
And here are some of my "princesses", co-heirs to God's kingdom~ =)
Princess Luna
The moon! We usually identify ourselves as descendants(?) of the dark side of the moon! haha. She's a new Christian, but is doing real great. One time the other princesses were doing something that aren't really Christian like. And it was Luna who was really burdened to awaken them~ Her feelings are usually like that of the moon... One side is kept hidden. But despite that? She's as "true" as a friend can be.
Princess of Smiles
This princess smiles too much! =) And is very vocal of her emotions. Like Luna, this princess is a new Christian, and is really doing great! Recently she just suffered from a huge break-up, and since then? She learned that nothing helps more than trusting God~ Now? She's the one who always reminds us to trust God and cling on to Him! It may seem as though its always her who shares her problems, but don't be fooled! She's a great friend to turn to when you need someone to console with~
Princess Rhythm
This princess is a natural in the world of arts!! =) From sketching to drawing to painting and even to dancing! The most mature of all the princesses. Usually the one who reminds everyone when we go astray. But she does have some issues, and that's why we're here~ She may seem stubborn to most, but the truth is? She's ALL EARS! =) She listens well~ =) And a strong support whenever you need one!
Princess Princess
Always jolly and very seldom seem in gloom! If you need a friend who would "ride" with all your stories, jokes and "what-nots"?? She's the princess you go to!! =) And just like all the other three?? She knows how to love and give importance to her friends. Always there when you need someone to just be there and laugh your hearts out with! =)
I really am thankful for them! =)
And you know what?
WE noticed one thing...
With all the things that we are going through? We are staying strong together... because??
WE cling to Him as a group~ And of course individually~ He's the center of our relationship, like all relationships should be! =)
Guys~ Labyuuu all! =)
Thanks for always being there for me~ =)
God bless~ =)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dawn... *yawns*
In 2 hours, we have to leave for the airport, we're flying to China first thing tomorrow morning.
Drowsiness is really starting to creep in on me,
but if I sleep now... I won't be able to wake up in time.
Apparently? I'm not really sure whether I am excited or nervous.
Yep, it is quite funny... but I don't know.
Maybe I just think too much, but I really am nervous.
It is really weird, on how a lot of times, in life we do things the way we do them. At times, something seems awfully wrong yet it is rightfully appropriate. And times when it feels right, its wrong! Man can really never be content can they...
A Product of My Reverie in My Sleepiness:
No sense is engaging in rapt contemplation for them either.
Because for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.
Whatever it is that we have done,
Would surely yield something,
Something pleasant,
Something weird,
Something wrong,
Or even something divine.
No use wasting energy regretting choices made,
Because after all, they'd all have their consequences.
Consequences which are
RELATIVE in degree and effect~
But there's no point in thinking about that now, after all, what's done is done.
And on the bright side, there are things I was able to do, which obviously I can't do when I sleep~
~>Choices are constant in this life,
~>Decisions are to be pondered upon BEFORE making them.
And once made? Think not of whether you've made the right choice or not, rather, think of what to do with the consequences your actions brought about, be them GOOD or BAD.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Inexplicably Mysterious Mysteries
Mystery 1:
(Quite paraphrased,hehe)
A girl's mother died, and during the funeral she met a guy and they fell in
love with each other. After a week, the mother was finally buried, and since
then, the girl saw the last of the guy as well. Now, after a month, the girl
killed her sister... Why?
Mystery 2:
A family lived in a circular house, the father, mother, sister, baby brother,
the grandma and the grandad. The grandad was killed. When the detectives
came to investigate, they interrogated each family member. The grandma
claimed that she was at the corner reading a book and didn't notice anything,
the mother said she was watching T.V, the sister told them that
she was taking a bath, the little brother was at school, and the father
said that he was at the office.Now, who killed the grandfather? And, why do you say so?
Mystery 3:
A midget was living in a condominium, at the top floor. Now, when its a regular
day, he would ride the elevator only up to the 28th floor of the 35 storey
building, and then he would clime the stairs to his house at the top. But on rainy days he would ride the elevator all the way up to his
flat... Now, why is that?
Some of you might already be familiar with these, but its never a bad thing to reminisce~ And as for those who haven't heard of these yet~! Good Luck guessing!! =)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Isn't it just SO annoying? For people to come up to you and say...
"Hey, you did it again, you haven't overcome that sin of yours... etc etc etc" in sarcastic ways!
Well, fine! You're concern, I get it!
But hey! You don't sound concern about me! So sound alarmed!
And besides, beneath that "line" its quite obvious that you have that mistrust! So please?
I know when I do something wrong... I mean HELLO?! I am a Christian after all ain't I? So duhh... I get "promptings" from the Holy Spirit... So... GET IT??
Sorry, I guess.... But I really hope you'd understand...
I know I know, getting angry wouldn't really do anything... and I guess, maybe I don't have the right to...
**Just needed to let it out.... Hope you'd understand~**
Friday, August 29, 2008
I have been, and probably still am, looking for a person/s who would really care for me. Not that my friends and family aren't enough... but... I don't know. All I know is just I "need" it.
The Taiwanese pastor basically was telling us that the only way to be happy is to...
1. learn to love others
2. be loved...
Loving others and caring for others is easy... (or probably because I can fake it, whatever)
but the second condition for happiness is quite hard to obtain.
Today a LOT happened, (I would really love to write them all down, but I believe certain people would get offended), and they aren't really good.
So in short? I felt down... almost the entire day.
Now who could I talk to? Who would care to listen? I tried to tell others, but no one seemed to care... I know, not everyone is as "martyr" as me, that would really extend to great lengths just to help and/or be there for someone...
And I forgot... I was supposed to be "self sufficient"...
I AM supposed to be... to be... to be someone, probably someone I am not.
Fine. I know this post would most likely raise a lot of questions, and some people out there would probably be offended, and many many more.
But hey~ I am not doing this to please anyone~
Friday, August 22, 2008
You no fooling me...
Honestly? I don't really know if it's for the better or otherwise...
Then again... I may just be over reacting. =.=
Things have changed... they have... thay have...
I left tonight (Aug. 22, 2008) without notice... Since I'm really looking forward to fixing things on Sunday... (Or probably on Saturday... but nonetheless, you know what I mean) I don't want any of my rash actions, words or implications ruin the chances of reconciliation and amelioration.
I doubt if you'd be able to read this tonight... I really hope that you won't be able to...
Hopefully you get to read this, after I tell you about it... Which is either Saturday or Sunday.
Sorry, if ever you've read this tonight, I apologize... :'(
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Mes Amis (My Friends)
1. Thank my friends for being there for me, and providing me with their "special magic" that's uniquely special to each of 'em.
2. TELL THE WORLD who my friends are! And "BRAG" about them~ hahahah
But I won't really be enumerating my friends here one-by-one, all I would do is mention those who have really made an impact on me, and I would do that by utilizing "symbolism" XD yay!
here goes!
[NOTE : all pronouns are in GENERIC MASCULINE so as not to reveal who they really are, for i believe they already know who THEY are~]
Lluvia (rain) - Recently, I've noticed that I had this fascination for "rain" (rain as in the form of precipitation), whenever it rains, I am happy, it uplifts me! Despite the fact that it also makes things hard for me (like me getting drenched, too cold, etc. basically the usual annoyance rains bring). And just like the rain? This friend of mine really makes me happy, in spite of all the troubles we go through~ And I really appreciate this friend of mine, he does things that are REALLY out of his way, and even out of his character, just because he knows it would make me happy. By all means, I wouldn't want to lose this friend~
Viento (wind) - This friend of mine is really like the wind. He's always there even if it seems like he isn't. And just when I am about to fall? He softens my fall, or even prevents it! He's always there JUST in time! He never fails to give me that "knock" on the head whenever I need it. He gives me enough advices to keep me going (both in my Christian life and my life in general)! And just like the wind, he "howls" when he needs me, and I like being needed~ =)
Tierra de tierra (earthen ground) - This friend of mine I associate with the "Earth" (not the planet, but the earth we're stepping on, the "ground"). He's, just like the earth, always there to support me. Though he is as weak as me, he still makes it a point to be there for me to lean on. And just like the earth that absorbs in all the rain? This friend of mine is there whenever I need to cry~ He's there for me, we cry a LOT together~
Étoile (star) - Why star? Well, because we both didn't expect to be there for each other, but we see each other often... Like how we see the stars. And this friend of mine has guided me through A LOT! Just like the star that silently follows and does its best to light you way with everything its got, my friend does that too! And why star? Not just any light? Because as we all know, stars are balls of flames, and flames mean warmth... This friend has never failed to show me and give me the warmth I need, just when I need it!
Oleada (Billow) - To those who don't know, billow is another term for "wave" ~ Hm.. This friend of mine is just like the billows at sea! Who here has experienced playing at the beach and did not have fun with the waves? None right? (or probably REAL few~) This is why my friend I call BILLOW, he is SO fun to be with. You'd both be laughing like there's no tomorrow! But just like the waves, this friend of mine, at times, would cause me to slip and fall. Yup, there are times when we unknowingly hurt each other. (It is, after all, part of every friendship~) Those are the times when the waves just knock you down. But he would never drown me! =) Also, isn't it surprising how the waves can carry ships and other large vessels? Well, this friend of mine has sure have had her share of "carrying me through troubled waters", and just like the wind? This "Wave" of mine never fails to "drench" me in God's word~ =)
Vapeur (Vapor) - This friend I can say I have known the L O N G E S T! He has been with me for.... 11years!! (and to think that I'm only 16~) Why vapor? Well, the vapor is, like the wind, seldom seen. For 11 years we have had our fair share of ups and downs, and there are times when it just seems like we are alone. But nonetheless, we always got through! Just enough amount of vapor could neutralize the temperature around you! Same is true with this friend of mine! Just a "little bit" of him would be enough to calm me down, and just help me relax~ And after all the "vapor" brings about rain right? Well, at this VERY MOMENT, this "vapor" of mine is helping get my "rain" back~ =)
Well, as most of you might know... I have a lot more friends... and I've only given a few... That's because these are the ones whom I REALLY WANT TO SHOW DEEP APPRECIATION TO.
To Vapeur, Oleada, Étoile, Tierra de tierra, Viento and Lluvia...
And as for those whom I haven't mentioned... It doesn't mean that I don't appreciate you...=) Its just that at this moment? These friends mentioned above are those that I REALLY want to show deep gratitude to~ =) You'd have your time... =)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
They tend to see things in a "box"... Their box...
They see things in a subjective way, where they are right. They are the ones on the "offended/deprived" side.
They think too much on the "wrong" they see in others.
Speculate before judging.
Asses before speaking.
Look before hitting!
Lately, I've seen too much... Too much trouble. In school, within friends, etc.
And as I have observed? Its mainly because of "MISUNDERSTANDINGS"
Parties tend to do this and that, because they see themselves. They see that they're the ones who are right. But have they ever considered what the other party has to say?
You say you need to "take a stand" and end things once and for all... but did you consider all you options before doing so?
~> You address a congregation, and tell them they are oppressed... Saying you've felt it first hand. Fine. You might've... but have you considered who the oppressors are? And have you tried bringing the issue to them? And see why things are the way they are?
~> You say a "friend" of yours is WAY OFF TRACK already, and what do you do? Do "mini-conferences" with your common friends, without the person in question, and what? Share his (GENERIC MASCULINE) misfortunes? his unacceptable deeds? Then what are you? A "Back Bitter" I say! How dare you call yourself friends...
People are entitled to their own opinions, and so are YOU. If "you", as a reader, feel that I'm too BRUTALLY BLUNT, then its okay. It is by all means your opinion. I am just doing what I believe is just...
To lessen the blood that paved the way of blind IDEALISTS.
Monday, July 7, 2008
So it was...
(Yep, PRINCIPAL, finally we get to have one!)
Well, contrary to what I thought, she actually didn't forget what she said, and so... we talked.
I was at her office at around 4:30pm?? Give or take... And I left about 7pm... O_O (Am shocked myself!)
As planned, I told her about my "concerns" regarding the English Club thingie...
She said she'll look into it, and that she needs to talk to some people about it. (admin., club adviser, etc.)
If you know St. Stephen's (our school, apparently) you'll know how "significant" that statement already is!
I can't really blame her, you should've seen her table! It was nowhere in sight! It was covered with tons and tons of paper! And I am not one bit exaggerating! =.=
So much for that, if I were to say here what else we talked about... You might say that I've been quote-on-quote "brainwashed" o.O
I'm just happy that I was finally able to voice out, and that I was heard. I just hope and pray that they can hasten the processes, because BY ALL MEANS, time is running out! =)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Things to Ponder Upon
Here are some trivial things which I believe people (especially those involved in any way) must really PONDER ON.
1. How is it that we'll know what's true? We say we want "freedom" but how do we know if we aren't just blindly following?
2. How can one be called "brave" or a "hero" for stirring up the minds of people, when he has nothing to lose in doing so? (Jose Rizal risked his LIFE in doing so, thus he is now known as our "National Hero".)
3. I believe that God is pleased with our deeds if our deeds bore the following (or if our deeds promoted the following):
Now, ponder upon what we have been doing... Do they please God?
4. How can we follow someone who wants us to decipher right from wrong through a perspective that "sets aside God" ?? Someone who wants us to "set aside" our "Christian Thinking" and look at things in a human perspective because the reality is that the world is not a Christian-world? We all should know by now that we, as Christians, are ABOVE the law (law meaning "right and wrong" through our thinking), and our only un-debatable truth is the Bible. And that we are called to be "not of this world" but "of Christ".
I really hope and pray that as individuals, we would learn to think and really consider EVERYTHING that we hear or see. We can't just follow, we have to learn to know "what God wants". No matter how you put it we, as Christians, should only consider what God would "accept" as right, and not be swayed by what the world accepts as norms. Our main goal in life is to do God's will, no more.... no less.
Friday, July 4, 2008
What Now??
Well, lets just say me "school spirit" has been awakened. There, I guess that would be a better way to put it. And apparently, I am in a state of confusion.
I was not able to run for any office in the club in which I was vying for. The English Club. Since the election was scheduled on a Thursday, and that same Thursday was the day I was burning with fever! I tried to get myself nominated via phone, but they refused and said that I was not qualified due to my absence.
I know I have my right to run, at least I believe I do. And all I know now is that I have to fight for it. But the question is... After I fight for it, and prove them wrong... WHAT'S NEXT??
Do I ask for a re-election? Would that be fair?
I am SO confused... I know something has to be done, and so I am going to do it... My voice needs to be heard, and I will forever be bothered if I just kept quiet about this.
But what is it that I do next?
Sometimes it really makes me wonder. What was God's plan?
Did He...
Made these things possible because He didn't want me to have any office at the club?
Did He allow this to tell me to learn to stand up for my rights?
Am SO confused...
But all I can do now... Is wait... Right?
I can only wait and see how these things would turn out...
I'll be talking to people soon, and I just hope they turn out right! =)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
JYSC! =)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I can use the computer again!!!! =)
I skipped quite a number of days as you can see...
Well, I slacked for 2 days =.=
And then after that, I got banned from computer.
Yeah, just got the permission last night. =)
As for the details of my being banned. They'll be here... Tomorrow? Saturday? Not really sure. =) But I will post it! =) I wrote it down you know... Hand-written. =)
Anyways, yesterday... Chiz came home fresh from Aussie!! =) haha, and as usual... We bonded at her crib for almost half a day. And I guess that's that. =) Nothing to elaborate on. =)
It's getting late, and surprisingly I AM already sleepy. .....zzzzz.....
I'm going to try and make up for my "incompetence" haha =)
NightieNights! =)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Rain, rain, not again...
It started pouring at around 3 in the afternoon (GMT +8) and did it pour! It was really raining cats and dogs awhile ago.
Actually, my "timetable" has already been planned. After waking up at 12:58pm , I had the following "actions" arranged.
1. Play for 3 hours. 3 hours only because:
- My mom limits my use of the computer to only 3 hours.
- Counting 3 hours from 1:00pm, means I'll be finished by 4pm, and I have an engagement at 5, so leaving the house at around 4:15 - 4:20 (I need about 15minutes preparations, including all the unnecessary delays.) would just give me ample travel time.
3. Be at school/church (Its one and the same.) by 5pm to be on-time for rehearsal.
Apparently though, the rain got in the way. (Actually, I think I have to refer to it as a storm already.) It rained SO hard, that I can actually hear the rain drops hitting our roof! And since my mom was out with my sister (The latter had piano lessons so my mom had to bring her there.) and so I have to use public transport to get to school. Which included quite a lot of walking, so I had to wait for the rain to seize for me to actually be able to walk outside.
It stopped, but not completely, now the drops are really tiny, at around 4:20pm , so I had to rush my "before-going-out-preparations", and ended up ending at around 4:30pm. I went out, and I rode the PUJ (Public Utility Jeepney) and for some reasons, I sort of reached the train terminal at 5pm! I was like... "WHAT?!"
And so there, as expected... I was late. And to top that? My shorts really got dirty from all the mud.
(I left the house with a shirt, shorts and my slippers. And so since the rain left the roads muddy, my slippers kind of "sprinkled" mud on my shorts as I walked.) And my feet was no better.
*Sigh... What A Day!
But actually, I am some what thankful for that downpour. Well, since it was raining I got to "extend" the activity that I was currently engaged in, playing! Which resulted to some other things. Here's a list of things I thank God for sending the rain for. (Whoa! A lot of "for's"...LOL)
- I got to play some more!
- I knew I was going to be late despite my "timetable" and so the rain sort of provided a nice "excuse" for me. =)
- Since I got to play a bit more (Well, I was playing an MMORPG then BTW.) I was able to get to know one of my playmates better.
Things happen for a purpose, and things could really work out for you. You just have to learn to look at them from a different perspective.
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. -Romans 8:28 (NKJV) "
Learn to be thankful for everything. And always face the day with a smile, and even start it in the same way. They say, the secret to a successful life, is all in "right attitude". So smile! =)
MMORPG - Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game. Basically an RPG that's online and can be played by a lot of players/people.
*Check previous posts for description of RPG
PUJ (Public Utility Jeepney) - Most commonly known as "Jeepney" or "Jeep" . Its the most common public transport in the Phil. They were originally made from US Military Jeeps left over from WWII and are now well-known for their flamboyant decorations. They have also become a symbol of Philippine culture.
Friday, May 2, 2008
I guess this is why my friend Almond posts weekly, I now understand.
Most likely its because...
(1) You might not have time. - It's not a sure thing that everyday you get to have time to post.
(2) You might have nothing to write about. - Yeah sure, everyday is special, but sometimes? It becomes quite repetitive, and people don't like reading repetitions.
So there... Actually some great stuffs happened today, but it'll have to wait 'till tomorrow then. =)
Sorry! =)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Nothing Much
Nothing much really, don't really have anything to elaborate on there. =)
After which, I accompanied Jeff to the Barber Shop to have his haircut, in-return, he agreed to play at the comp shop for an hour! =)
Sadly though, his mom said that his dad might be enraged and thus he had to leave. I don't even think we were able to finish 1 hour.
Anyways, my aunt arrived a few minutes later (about 70 -80?!) and then as expected, I had to leave.
The fun part was that I had just installed the said game in our laptop at home! =) Hooray! And so upon arrival... well I wasn't really sure of the happenings, but bottom line? I played... haha
While playing, I got surprised at the fact that my dad was OL, and so the usual late night conversations for the family (Well, it's more like my dad calls, we say "hi" etc, and them my mom talks to him.) was really early today! =)
Aside from those? Nothing else really... Pretty dull day huh? =)
But actually, I really am SO happy that finally I have level 50 characters! =) Yup, with an "s", its really an accomplishment, an achievement.
I guess the title really says it all... "Nothing Much"
Or maybe I should just try "Nothing" =) but that'd be too negative right? haha =)
By Request! =)
Well here goes.
At first we REALLY were surprised to see Wendy on the screen! I mean who would've thought we'd actually have a recording of her! And boy! That wasn't all that surprised us! =) She looked GORGEOUS! =) And I am not one bit exaggerating! We used to remember her as the little(?) girl who was really playful and stuff. But now? She looked more like a lady! Her hair was long and straight, a great contrast from what we used to see before... short and quite frizzy.
The thing that shocked us the most was her voice! She sounded so refined! =)) LOLx (no offense Dotzy) And her English accent really did improve a LOT! =) I guess her stay in the states really paid off! =)
But as far as I'm concerned? She still was the "Wendy" we knew, or at least the one I knew.
She still had that sense of "caring-ness" in her voice, and she still had that "naughty(?)" tone as well! =)
[haha! Can't hide that from me! LOLx]
I guess what I said in the previous post really holds true, especially in this case. =)
Hope it's good enough for you! =) haha
Miss you Dotz! =)
Oh, and BTW...
Mae really was happy to see you... and your cleavage... OOOPS! =| I didn't just say that put loud did I?? haha LOLX Dotz! =)
Love Yah! =)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Early! =)
Sigh... =
So... Today... Hmm...
Oh yeah! We celebrated Mae's birthday today! =)
We actually made it look like we forgot all about her birthday, and thus we ended up with a "belated" celebration.
She was REALLY happy!
It was a CRAZY party I tell you!
We had pizzas and soft drinks (they were plentiful BTW) And we goofed around a LOT!
After eating, we proceeded to showing Mae a presentation for her birthday, Powerpoint Presentation, and it was really neat! A lot of Mae's friends participated, gave crazy but really touching and meaningful messages. There was even a video of our friend Wendy who's currently in the US of A, it was great seeing her again, though only in a video recording, moreover, it was really heart warming to hear her voice again.
After that, we kind of went our separate ways already, well not really disperse, but... I don't know, we sort of like did our own thing. Then one by one people left. And then Ennah came up with this crazy idea of making a music video! =)
(Well, music videos made by us, are actually those videos wherein we "act" and then in the background a song plays. Some what like those you see on Myx, MTV, or [V]. Only, we just lipsynch to the song.)
But we had fun, and it was really tiring as well... Well I guess all the laughing tired us out! =))
After that? We stayed together, me, Ennah, Darlene (Talento), and Mae... We sort of roamed around, met this and that... No one significant really. (Well, I mean no significant conversations, etc.)
We talked about a lot of stuffs! From slippers to the prom, to the year organization, CSA, Fair, Sports fest, and many many more! =)
It's really nice to have substantial people to talk to! =)
Time really flies without you, it waits for no one. (Have to learn that the hard way.Sadly)
People change, but that doesn't mean they aren't who they used to be, its quite contradictory right? But its true. I guess people can't really change who they are, they basically just keep on adding layers and layers of "masks" to hide who they really are and what they really are so as to be able to cope with this world's "trends". And to be able to see through those facades is a treasured ability that people desire.
Errors can easily be seen when you are using a different perspective to look at things, usually by looking at your handy-works with your perspective it's perfect, but try to look at it from other's perspective and you'll find errors you didn't see before. So never judge an individual by what they do, maybe they just don't see things the way you see them, and that's not a crime. The crime is when you act rashly to the circumstance of judging the person in question.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Anyways, here's what's for 29!
And YUP, I will also be posting tomorrow, ergo today. =)
April 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Friend!!!
Love you Mae! =)
You really are special, something that we are blessed with! Stay the same! And thanks for all those times we've spent together, I know there are quite a lot of times that we both are busy with "work" and our other friends, but despite that you still are always there for me! THANKS A LOT!!! =)
I was supposed to actually have been able to post on-time. But as I was using the computer a while a go (about 10:40++ pm), my mom asked me to accompany her. We went to La Funeraria Paz a.k.a Araneta Paz. The grandmother of one of my batch mate and friend died. (Ryan Yu)
And it just got me thinking, we humans really don't have a say in our lives do we? Whatever we do, it has its limitations pre-set already, even before we begin. We are very limited, whether it be our strength, our emotional and mental capacities, and most especially our life. We don't know when this ends. We have the slightest notion of our future. The list goes on and on, but I'm afraid I'd better stop here, for if I continue it might already offend others, at the same time, I might sound so "emo" =)
Sleeping is good, but everything in excess is always bad. =) [generally that is]
Its always good to have friends who are there just when you need them, not just when they are available or when they "need" you.
Life is uncertain, but it doesn't mean that its all bad. We still can work some things out, and as I have said before, hoping is never a bad thing. =) Again, caution though on hoping too much.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Agony || Bye Chiz! =)
What to do?
Since she left just this evening, we had her spend her last few hours in the Philippines with us! =)
(Kevin D. , Gladys)
Well there actually were some more, but they only were with us as we ate our 10 o'clock brunch.
After which, we went straight to Chiz's crib. There we played, and played, and played. It does sound quite dull, but believe me! With those people? Boring moments are never present!
We'll just have to wait for her arrival by May 6? I kind of forgot the exact date, but its roughly that.
We left her house by around 2:30pm BTW.
(We had some other plans, and besides, her dad comes home at three, and by then she would be busy with the final preparations for their trip.)
As for the rest of the afternoon?
I spent it in the computer shop. I was there for like 2-3 hours? Yeah, I am quite an addict. =)
Actually we (me and Almond) planned to leave by 4pm, but the weather interfered. And so we were sort of stranded at the computer shop for another 90 minutes.
And then finally the rain came to a halt. And so we parted ways.
I guess life shouldn't always be planned, don't you think?
Was all I had in mind when I left the house, no more no less. I knew I was going to spend half my day with Chiz and the others, and then the other half playing online games with Almond.
No expectations, no preparations, no disappointments.
All in all? It was great! =)
Things don't always go as planned. As cliche as it seems, it is actually a sad reality. Sometimes though it actually works for the better, but not always. =)
And always hope for the best, at times, "hope" is the only thing we can cling on to.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Autumn Frost 2
My strength too feeble to soar higher, faster.
I guess you're just too high for me to reach.
Even as I try to fly towards you.
You constantly drift away.
First Sunday
Only during Sundays do we have the most bonding time in the whole week, as a family. And usually, occasions, special occasions are held during Sundays.
Every Sunday we tend to go out, YUP. EVERY (that's as far as I can remember st least).
I thinks, its just that there are quite a lot of changes that I have to cope with. A lot of "Sunday routines" or practices that have been... How do I say this... Broken?
I miss him.
But I do know, that this is all for the better! And that
Always keep God in mind.
Especially His words! =)
Your Observation Skills Get A B+
Your senses are pretty sharp (okay, most of the time)
And it takes something big to distract you!
Oh well, I can still try to improve can't I? =)
I guess this should "top" my list for today. It's getting quite out of hand.
Obviously, these are boredom born... So bear with me. =)
But hey, they are quite fun you know, Personality tests. TRY SOME! =)
Your Scholastic Strength Is Inspiring Others
You are great at developing a vision, and getting others to adopt your way of thinking.
You are talented at leading, balancing tasks, and helping people work together.
You should major in:
Environmental studies
Social work
Political science
You Are A Weeping Willow Tree
You are a dreamer, and you're into almost any kind of escapism.
Restless and capricious, you love to travel to exotic places.
You are easily influenced by others, as long as they don't pressure you.
You tend to suffer in love until you find that one loyal, steadfast partner.
An empathetic friend, you love to make others smile and laugh.
oopsie =)
You're Totally Sarcastic
You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.
Your Power Bird is a Swan
You are a truly graceful and gorgeous creature.
You easily see beauty in yourself and others.
Intuitive and in touch, you can often guess what the future will bring.
And you're flexible enough to accept the changes that life has in store for you.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
So far? I can't seem to let go of the usage of "apparently", "currently", "some what", etc! Haven't you seen?
Its really depressing! Knowing that as a writer, instead of improving, I'm stagnant! Not to mention the fact that I feel like before being stagnant, I even stepped back a little.
People has always been saying that the way I write is usually very "flowery". Too flowery, as some may put it. But I... I don't really know.
I think its no secret, the fact that I actually envy Chiz's way of writing. She has the ability of disposing pompous words without having the slightest notion of being a "know-it-all".
I want that, but I guess the more I try... The worst I become.
I feel like a broken recorder. You know. One that ALWAYS repeats the same thing again and again. No matter how many times you try to have it change the way it does things, you never succeed. I feel so trapped. Its as if I'm to stay in this repetitive event that never seems to be over. The feeling that no matter what you do, and how you do them... They always come out the same. I feel powerless.
So much for that... (I guess)
I really would like to , like Chiz. blog about my day. But I guess its just not me to do so. I can't seem to find the right words, nor the right way of stating the events. You may say that writing is really a free form type of art. But still, it has standards, mostly? Standards I impose on myself. And one of the greatest disappointment one can face it having yourself dissatisfied with yourself, failing yourself.
So I guess, its better this way then... I'll just try to enumerate them! HAHA =)
1. Was at Monique Gaw's house early morning. Yep! Real EARLY! (7:00++am)
2. Went to Makati (with Monique) , to Chemworld to be exact, and attended a seminar on Perfume making.
Yey! I now know how to make perfumes! =) And they actually allow you to be about to make perfumes that smell exactly like those commercial ones! =) Namely? D&G, Bvlgari, Lacoste, Paris Hilton. ETC! =)
[NOTE: Message me if interested =)]
3. Instead of buying stuffs for perfume business. We settled for scented soaps instead! Easier, cheaper, and much much more SALABLE! =) And we went to her house to actually start the "soap scenting".
4. Apparently (see? here I go again...) after all those,
I had to rush to school for choir rehearsal. And since my day was really jam packed, (We walked A LOT btw... me and Monique) I was sweating BULLETS! And I think at that time, I really smelled awful already. So, being far from home, I had to turn to my ever so reliable friend Chiz! Since I didn't really want people backing away from me right? So I called her up, and asked if she could spare me a shirt, and she did! =) She even gave it to me! If only I had time, I would've showered off... But I was really running late, so I just went to.... HEY! I don't really think I have to share these do I? Anyways, to make the short story even shorter, I mad it to choir practice smelling & feeling fresh! =) (though the shirt was a little tight)
Friends , TRUE friends I mean, are really a BIG BIG BIG help! Never ever underestimate a friend!
And you're never TOO young nor TOO old to be an entrepreneur.
Friday, April 25, 2008
We went to 168 Shopping Mall again, apparently for the same reasons. I needed clothes, and so did Mae. And so we went. We brought Ennah along, she somewhat acted as our fashion guru, who decided which to buy and which to ditch. Nielsen came along today, she was in a sort of a dilemma. She is ( along with Rochelle) to participate in a Model Search (at least I think its so) TOMORROW! Yup, can you believe? Tomorrow. And she was still in the process of completing her outfit for the runway! (The contestants were just given the theme. ) And so... We shopped!
Boy! Was it tiring! We were able to buy... some though.
Unfortunately? I am currently REAL sleepy...
As for the day?
Well, Uhm... Let's see...
-Voice Lesson
-Piano Lesson
-GE (Yeah, I was able to play... for 30-40minutes?)
And basically that's all! =)
Just awhile ago, I took a somewhat "Personality Test" that sort of determines what kind of a blogger you are. And the results were quite as expected if I must say.
It says:
Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.I don't want to brag, but I do agree. At least before, in the past I can say it was. But currently? Its become more of an Online journal, that just keeps track of what I do daily. Pretty boring huh?
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few.
But I will do my best to regain my status(?!) =)
Just keep on trying! Everything I did today were things that required PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE which as we all know is really needed in our lives.
Choosing clothes wasn't easy, nor was walking around the mall checking stores one-by-one and trying stuffs on; but we know that we needed it, and so we pushed through.
Singing and playing instruments aren't skills that can be nurtured overnight. They're to be EARNED! =)
Also, online games are a good simulation of life. Though life isn't always as easy nor is it always as hard as RPG's (role playing games). Games like those really give you a taste of what life is. You need to train and work hard to be "strong" and defeat challenges. And at the same time you'll have to learn to earn money and respect. Lastly, some might be against this, it also teaches one how to behave properly, and how to work with other people!
So always keep in mind PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE... not just in our minds... But more over in our actions! =)
*RPG : Games which follow certain plots ; in which you get to control character(s) and control them as the story of their life(s) unfold.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Apparently, I usually stay up late OL (online), as most of you might know, and my mom doesn't really stay up late... That's when my dad comes in the picture. He's the one who ensures that I go to sleep, and he's also the one who stays up and waits for me to finish everything I have to do and then only sleeps when I am in the room. (We sleep in the same room BTW... My WHOLE family... Immediate family that is)
Well, so much for that... =)
Today was really something, we went to 168 Sopping Mall to do.. obviously... do some shopping. But only Mae was able to buy something. I guess I was just TOO picky... or the clothes were TOO picky... =)
Anyways, after that we (me and Gladys) spent the rest of the afternoon at Chiz's place. We watched "Disturbia" well at least the second half. And as we were watching, Willy (haha, I guess it wouldn't hurt if I mimic they're way of addressing him ;] ) came. The original plan was to scare me, yup poor old me. But since Willy came, I got to borrow his PSP and somewhat was not paying that much attention to the screen anymore, and so they didn't have had the chance to scare/frighten/shock(?) me! LOLx
After that, we played Bleach on (I guess you could use on... right) Chiz's PS2... Apparently, we were successful in tiring out our vocal prowess!! haha, We shouted quite a lot! =)
Again, this entry is somewhat something to show my gratitude to my BELOVED friends! YEP! BeLOvED!! =) Thanks again guys!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Anyways, this morning we (well actually he drove) drove him to the airport to say farewell, and for some reasons I was sad.
Well, I guess it's quite natural to be so, I mean after being used to living with your dad for like 16 whole years of your life, its quite... new?
Apparently, after considering... I finally was able to come to a conclusion, and finally finalize the list of reasons exactly why I was sort of sad.
1. I was perhaps really surprised, to see my dad leave. I mean yeah, before he did have jobs out of the country, but as far as I can remember it was never more than a week, but I guess its more on now I know that this trip would take longer... perhaps longer than what I can tolerate. Seeing him leave was really something. Sitting in the car and knowing full well the reason why you are there in the first place.
2. I may be thinking too much ahead. I am some what scared of what might become of us. Yeah, I know its not really that big a deal, but for my whole family this is really something new. And I think I can actually say that I am really concerned as to how my mom would react. She obviously is fine, I can tell. She's really strong, ans she has God. But I guess I'm really afraid of me not being able to take care of her the way she would've been taken cared of if my dad was here.
3. Guilt. Something inside me sort of wants to blame myself for the fact that my dad has to leave, and consequently leave us here. Unconsciously I guess I pushed him, and kind of forced him to leave. I mean recently we (me and my sisters) are quite complaining a lot, it has gone on for quite a while now ( I think), and as a father most likely he felt that he was a failure for not being able to meet our wants (yup, wants... the needs? he took care of 'em).
4. Change? As human, even if we confess it or not, we are really vulnerable to change. Well, at least most of us, I for one am. I guess am just sort of really scared as to how our lives might turn out, now that he's far away. We are used to having him around...
5. Lastly?! Is it not obvious?! I'll miss him... =)
It really is a load of when you write is it not... =)
BTW, thanks for taking time out to read...
As for today? Well, as anybody would've done... I consoled with some friends, and boy! What a great help they were!
And just to get my mind off stuffs? I kind of splurged a little on games =) *thanks Mondie!
about what I feel right? How can I leave "I" out? I guess that's it. I am really really sorry. Apparently this entry of mine breaks one of the most highly regarded rule in writing... The "I (eye) disease" , I really am sorry. But hey, I was writing Lolx...
Well, I guess its about time I end this.
Thanks again guys!
As for me? I believe I will be able to cope...
Some day...
Some time....
Some how...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
No! *sobs*
So it seems, we are going to be out tonight....
I do hope they spare all these "crying" tonight.
I mean, yes! Of course! I am as sad as them to have to see my dad leave... But... I don't know.
Apparently my mom just told me to abruptly stop using the computer the moment my dad arrives, she said we're going out.
What do I do?
Well, I did go to school, I was able to meet them, and I was able to play. But after that, slight changes in the plan occurred.
When the clock had stricken four, we had to part ways. I had to go to my mother's "office" and supposedly go home. Apparently though, some "Taiwan Visitors" (yep, I know it's supposedly "Taiwanese Visitors" but hey, it was our school that wrote on the board the word "Taiwan" without the "ese" so who am I to argue?) were present at our school, and they were "roaming" in the school.
My mom said that we still aren't allowed to leave (at least she was) until the "Visitors" had passed her office already. So I had to go to the nearby "Jollibee" for snacks... and this is where it all began!
Would you believe?!
* I was originally going to elaborate on what I ate... But I'd rather not =)
It was surprisingly A LOT though. =)
I guess now I don't have anymore right to ask and wonder why I am like I am (I guess it's obvious which part of me I'm referring to =p)

Okay, so I guess this is one of those posts that aren't really substantial right? Well, I think that's probably because I really want to write, and yet something within me is sort of holding back. I originally intended to write about my dad leaving for China tomorrow, but I can't seem to put it to words right now ...
Anyways, tonight (as my aunt would put it), we might not go to sleep, and just wait 'till the morning comes...
I really don't wanna think about it... let alone write about it. Perhaps some other time.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Why Freeze?
It hurts, the wound burns. But what can I do? I don't have control over God right?
I don't think there would be any use... would there? To dwell in pain.
Currently I am helping a friend with her problems, a job description that has long been part of my resume but as planned, it would soon not be. At least not as in-depth as I do now.
When June comes, 'they' shouldn't know me no more. I'd be someone they'd never expect I can be. That means having to learn to hide emotions, especially pain, much much more efficiently.

By then, I have to really be "frozen".
So feel free to check out what happened on my bday from these links below... =)
*phew! What a hassle! For some reasons I can't "copy paste" those links, yup, I had to type them manually. Well, if they didn't work just check out their blogs whose URL's are part of the links on the rightmost column of my blog (namely "Chioa's" and "Chiz's)
I would also like to take this time out to thank the following:
>Gladys Yu
-Giselle Yu
-Marvin Chua
>Darlene Talento
>Darlene Keng
>Marion Go
>Monique Gaw
>Rochelle Cheng
>Jefferson Sia
>Katrina Tee
>Rachelle Fabico
>Walter Yuloque
>Denice Sy
>Ralph Chioa
>Cindy Ong
>Mae Chan Li
>Audrey Lu
>Kevin Dionisio
>Nielsen Jaranilla
BTW, these people were those people who really took time out to make my birthday special.
Thanks guys! YOU really made my 16th Birthday memorable!! =)
Some of them even stayed up until 12 midnight just to greet me a "Happy Birthday".
(names in Yellow)
Some greeted me exactly on that day
(names in white)
Some even called!!
(names in green)
And of course! Those in "Red" are the ones who really outdid everyone this year! =)
They were the ones who treated me to an "All-expense-paid" day at the mall!
Instead of the usual gathering wherein the birthday celebrator (yup! its celebrator not celebrant!) is the one in-charge of the bills, it was the other way around!!! This time, we went out and they treated me to everything I wanted!!! Movies, games, food, even transportation were all paid by them! Thanks guys!!!
Apparently it looks like I've focused too much on my birthday, and forgot the stuff that I was really supposed to write about, TODAY.
Well, I guess that was so because today wasn't really something, aside from the fact that I slept half the day off. Nothing really special...
Once again I would like to extend my HEARTFELT gratitude to the names stated above! Thanks guys!! Love YOU!!!! =)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Again... =)
Today was (let's pretend its already tomorrow, but I still used today, okay?) really different. I mean who would've thought "ore-sama" [Japanese; a weird way of addressing oneself, quite conceited-ly] would be fixing blog and friendster layouts? And even comment on people (well yeah, I FINALLY made 'testis'*testimonials for people, sorry though it wasn't for everybody since Friendster is kind of demented right now, or at least at home that is) as well as posting on "CBoxes" of co-bloggers. Obviously boredom really made its way to my system... *sigh*
Currently? I don't really know whether I'm "happy" that my day turned out this way, or the other way around. Again I'm confused.
I guess this is just how a person feels when they turn 16 the next day... =)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Apparently I'm home alone with nothing to do and not feeling quite well.
It's so hard so have dreams and have the realization that they can NEVER be more than what they are, dreams.
'AutumnFrost' is actually a fragment of what I thought as tangible. It's a username I made for an account at "WRETCH" (don't ask me why wretch, the site was in chinese, so most likely it doesn't mean exactly the way it sounds), there I tried to reach the unreachable. And guess what?? It WAS unreachable, I somewhat just made a fool of myself. Good thing it wasn't my real name. But don't get me wrong, I really meant it. I meant whatever it is I posted there, I really want it.
I can only wait... *sigh*
I'm verry sorry.... =) Obviously you didn't understand a thing in the previous paragraph, =) My deepest apologies, I just didn't feel like I can embarass my self twice in a day, thus I kept the details, perhaps someday I'd find the courage to tell the WHOLE story, =) but its obviously not now.
I do hope the people concerened with the 'AutumnFrost' thingie, would find a way to get here and read these, maybe then they'd understand.
Dreams are a great source of strength, a great escape route. And it REALLY would be a courageous deed to pursue them, DON'T STOP! But I have to warn you. It won't be easy, and not all dreams are reachable, it would be painful... BUT! I would really encourage you to take the risk and go after them!!