Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You were as I, tempted and tried... human.

This line just kept playing in my head for the WHOLE week (in fact, I think it's been like this for two weeks)!

I don't remember the whole song, just this line. I just keep singing it in my head:

"You were as I tempted and tried. Human."

Tonight, He finally told me why.


theprodigalsaint: "You were as I, tempted and tried -- human."

God: Oh, so you're still singing that?

theprodigalsaint: I can't get it out of my head!

God: Do you know why?

theprodigalsaint: Well, it's definitely a reminder that there's no excuse for my sins -- even You, in the form of Jesus, were tempted but remained sinless.

God: Well, I was still God during My time on earth.

theprodigalsaint: True, but You were also completely man.

God: True. Hey, what song are you gonna present for Easter again?

theprodigalsaint: Huh? Oh, "No Greater Love"

God: You have a solo part right? I made sure you were given that part, what part was it.

theprodigalsaint: It's -- :')

[No Greater Love is a Cantata by John Piper about the life of Jesus. I was given the part of Jesus being tempted in the desert. It was a duet using the tempter's words and Jesus's responses -- I was singing Jesus's responses. ♥]


Jesus was fully human and fully God; He too was tempted and tried -- EVEN BY SATAN HIMSELF!
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. (Matt. 4:1)


theprodigalsaint: Now I get it! But isn't that what I said? You kept putting this line, not even the whole song, in my head to remind me that I am supposed to follow in Your footsteps -- not fall into sin.

God: Mm-hmm. But that's not all. What else did you sing about?

theprodigalsaint: Well, I was singing the things You -- :')


Jesus, when He was being tempted by Satan, defended Himself -- with God's word.
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matt. 4:4)

Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” (Matt. 4:7)

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” (Matt. 4: 10)

He held on to God's word. He knew what He was to do -- obey God ONLY and FULLY.


theprodigalsaint: Well, Lord, it's not that easy. Sure, I want to hold on to Your words too. I also have enough knowledge of Your words to be able to defend against the sins Satan commonly tempts me with. But...

God: But it's not that easy because 'I just can't understand how there are things that you humans crave for so much that it's become a physical pain?" or that 'I don't understand that there are things that you humans are prone too? Your emotions, your flesh's desires, your socially constructed constraints, etc?'

theprodigalsaint: Yes, Lord! Yes! Exactly!

God: Son, why don't you read the passage again.


Jesus had to deal with Satan like most of us. He, was COMPLETELY human after all.
After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” (Matt. 4:2-3)


God: Did you see it?

theprodigalsaint: Yes.

God: So...?

theprodigalsaint: When You were tempted, you were tempted with something categorically similar to everything I'm tempted with ... I mean, the circumstances are the same.

God: Mm-hmm, go on?

theprodigalsaint: When I am tempted, it's SO easy to fall when I'm tired and/or stressed. Emotionally unstable because of physical weariness. It's hard to focus, to think first before I act, let alone to ponder upon Your word before falling into Satan's trap.

God: And at that time?

theprodigalsaint: Jesus was hungry and tired -- He was in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights! And He was tempted with food.

God: But?

theprodigalsaint: But what?

God: You were thinking of a "but," what is it?

theprodigalsaint: Well, He was FASTING after all, so that means He was spiritually recharged at that time. He was in communion with You! He was praying and all. He definitely was spiritually ready, and probably even mentally, to take Satan head on!

God: Sure, He was filled by the Spirit at that time. And yes, He was in communion with Me at that time. So what does that tell you?

theprodigalsaint: ... that if I were to spend my days seeking and communing with You CONSTANTLY, I will be able to draw on Your strength too, like how Jesus was spiritually ready to battle Satan, even when He was physically drained.

God: And?

theprodigalsaint: And that no amount of physical craving or limitation would be able to weaken a Saint empowered by the Spirit -- Your Spirit.

God: So now are you convinced that I really understand how you feel? How temptations appeal to your certain 'perceived' needs? Jesus was extremely hungry at that time, but He didn't give in. He was SO tired, stones to bread would've been an easy way out of things.

theprodigalsaint: He knew that there are greater things than just this fleshly body we're bound in. He knew He had a higher purpose to fulfill: to bring You glory and to overcome sin and death. Turning stones to bread would not accomplish anything, in terms of His mission. That action won't glorify You. Besides, if He were to do that, He's be obeying and pleasing Satan -- He knew what You want. He had the power in Him, but He knew you won't allow Him too, why? Because there's no purpose to it.

God: Sounds familiar?

theprodigalsaint: There are a LOT of things I know You can give me, I know I can do, and I know I can get -- But I have to always trust in Your plan and focus on being goal oriented.

God: Goal oriented?

theprodigalsaint: Focused on one goal, and one goal alone, doing only things that please You.

God: I think I've already told you that sometime ago, right?

theprodigalsaint: Yup. It went something like: There really is no such thing as right and wrong -- only what pleases and displeases God -- You.

God: There's something else...

theprodigalsaint: hmm?

God: Son, I want you to be like Me. More and more like Me -- like Jesus. He held on to My word, never let go. I kept playing that line in your head to remind you that YOU ARE CAPABLE of doing what I did when I was on earth -- be FOCUSED! Son, I don't want you to just remember My words in times of temptation -- I want you to be able to focus on My word in EVERYTHING. You need Me, you know that. And I want to help you too, and this is My way of telling you how. Stick close to Me, walk with Me -- ALWAYS. Always means ALWAYS, right?

theprodigalsaint: I haven't been giving much thought to what You want for everything, have I?

God: Mm-hmm,

theprodigalsaint: And that lead to a very slow but constant drift away from You. Slowly, yet definitely surely, I was making decisions on my own, focusing on things I want. Not that I was focusing on huge decisions, but just things like how to spend my afternoon, where to eat for lunch, what to eat for dinner, how to talk with my friends, how to deal with classmates, how to act on the bus, how to... etcetcetc. The more I got used to mundane things and mundane decisions made everyday -- the more callous I became to You. When the time came that I needed to cling to You and let go of what I want and focus on what You want, I was already too used to listening to myself.

God: So what do you plan to do now?

theprodigalsaint: Pray, ask, and focus -- I mean, just ask.

God: Ask?

theprodigalsaint: Ask for Your help and Your empowerment -- that I may be focused. I cannot do all these on my own, I am too weak. BUT! There is power in You. :)

God: *chuckles* I love you, son.

theprodigalsaint: and I couldn't be happier >:D< Love you too!


P.S. Here's the song, thanks to Google, I finally found out what song it was!

Lead Me to the Cross -- Hillsongs

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