Well, this is a short break-ish from the Saint Commune stuff I've been posting.
I realized, that I kind of want to just make this post a normal (sort of?) blogpost, where it's more personal that the Saint Commune posts...
So yup, I've just had a very tiring day from helping out as a volunteer at our local church for the VBS (Vacation Bible School) this week. What's so tiring?
I'm handling PRE-SCHOOLERS! :O
Yes, they're cute and cuddly... But they are quite a handful.
So what about it? Well, if you guys saw the video I posted just before this post? The VBS includes a whole lot of catchy tunes, that's selected to emphasize the themes and lessons to the children. If you watched the video, it IS really for children, and a pretty upbeat tune to it too.
So imagine, quite a bunch of those songs, about 13-15 songs like those? Some are slow, some are fast, but all are catchy, all were action songs, and all had videos of children having fun singing and dancing them.
What about it?
Well imagine, songs like that I posted? I ACTUALLY HAD TEARS WELLING UP WHEN I FIRST SANG THAT. Yup... And even while the kids were singing, jumping up and down having fun? I was with them, but trying to hold back the tears. This was the scenario for almost ALL of the songs...
And I know, there's only one reason for that...
I am coming back to a place where I am in awe again of just who He is... :')
The songs all had a message of His love; very understandable, I mean these activities are conducted largely because of its evangelistic nature. And a great way of opening people (most especially kids) to God's salvation, is to expose them to God's great LOVE first.
For these songs to have such an impact on me? (Well, I am a very emotional person... And I know there's something when I'm singing for Him and it just feels... Different. ) I must have really strayed from Him, or at least His face, for way too long: He had to remind me of His great love yet again.
It's so easy to get caught up in a LOT of things that we end up forgetting who God is, and what He is to us. Yes, our minds keep what we know about Him in storage, and when asked, we all know what to say... But when circumstances are already there? Do we really know these truths? Or do we KNOW them? Its something else to have it implanted onto you heart through experiences, compared to just being able to read/hear about them (like in this blog for instance).
There is a reason for everything, me volunteering, the songs, and even the lessons.
Well, I'm sort of the teacher's assistant for the pre-schoolers... And so, that means, I got to ran-through the bible stories we'd be teaching the children. As always, (for those who know me) I'm late again. I only confirmed to be a volunteer, 3 days before the VBS starting day! So I only got to run through everything awhile ago.
To my surprise? While reading aloud the script for teaching the stories which I grew up hearing (like Jonah, Elijah, etc) I was, again, holding back my tears!!! Talking about how God sent fire for Elijah when he prayed, about Jonah and how God watches over him, and many more ACTUALLY made me cry.
I was like this ... ARGH! I don't think I have an illustration for such.
Ah! Think about being away for so long, and then all of a sudden you see a video of your family when you had Christmas years ago... And then you see how much they cared for you, how much it all meant to you, etcetc. But even that doesn't capture the exact feeling... With God? It's just different.
I guess I still haven't learned my lesson that He had to bring me to VBS for a week and learn with all these toddlers about Him.
Sometimes? Its the simple truths that mean the most... The most complex doctrinal truths mean nothing if the truth about YOU and GOD, His Love, His Son, and your Salvation are not in place. Somehow, we tend to be over confident and think that we are spiritual mature, so much so that these simple truths, we refer to as "baby food" now. But then again, God's word is God's word. And there's a reason why God is making me go back to the simple truths, and making me write it for you to read it.
God is speaking, its time for us to listen...