Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Saint Communes 3

Well, this was supposed to be another "fast-food take-out" until I got to read the passage again, and realized how there was SO much more to it than I first saw.

I read this passage last night, and after reading, I went straight to a long prayer (the kind where you feel like you're just on the phone talking to a friend? yup, that!) and we talked about this passage. He did enlighten me, but then again, His word really is ALIVE; so after reading it again now for this post ... It took on a whole new form.

1 John 4:7 - 5:1

Yup, if you clicked the link and read: The topic is unmistakably LOVE.

So what about love? That was my very first question the first time I read that.

The answer? What NOT about love?

I mean LOVE is the very foundation of our faith. Salvation and the cross is founded on LOVE. God is even called LOVE.

Talking about gifts? Paul talked about the "GREATER GIFT," it being? LOVE!

Love is a very overrated word, given the kind of world we live in now. But as it turns out, for our faith to be founded on such a word? There must really be something to it.

Love is much more powerful and mysterious than we give it credit for. Sure, Hollywood makes a ton of money out of it, but even THAT kind of love is nothing compared to the love John tackled in today's passage.

I actually planned on writing a little bit more on the importance and meaning of this "Love;" but I guess I want you guys to think about it for yourself...

1. Do you know what Love is? Not love, but LOVE?
2. Do you know how to Love?
3. What does loving mean? What does it entail?
4. etc...

How much do we really know about this LOVE?

For me? It was actually a heads up. A heads up that times are going to require me to learn to really LOVE my neighbors and start reflecting love to others... Which, I got to actually test just a few hours ago. But details are not necessary.

Anyways, then after reading it again, God reminded me that I really don't know a LOT. I mean, REALLY LOT.

Like for example, me being all stressed about decisions and stuff = me not loving enough. YUP.
He reminded me of how loving He is, and that His LOVE encompasses all that, now, if I were to keep stressin' about tomorrow? Its either I doubt His love? Or I don't love Him and don't trust Him at all.

What else? Love is that thing which I should crave more of. (Not in the "I-need-someone-to-love-who-loves-me-back-so-badly" kind of way!) But that I need to crave that He would increase this Saint's LOVE. For others, for Him, and probably even for myself...

For it is in LOVE, that everything would mean something, and that power is more than any power this world has ever known. To have Him increase my Love, would mean empowering me to do greater things for Him, and overcoming a LOT more things.

Someone once told me, that his prayer right now was to have God increase his love. He'd trade any, even all, of his gifts for the Gift of Love. And I guess, that is something God is making me realize now... That there is more to that prayer - SO much more.

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