Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Saint Communes

I sort of have quite a lot on my mind lately, and coupled with (yes I'm VERY SORRY D:) a bit of laziness, I won't be writing this supposed Saint Communes post.

Instead, I'm leaving you with the passage, and let the Spirit talk to you :) Allow God to reveal Himself to you through His word.

Yes, I have a post planned for the passage I'm going to be giving, but since I myself have a LOT on my mind (being quite redundant) I've decided it will be a whole lot of blabber if I were to write it now.

And I realized, nothing is more powerful than His word, so why not try it firsthand? :)

So here are the passages:

Ecclesiastes 2: 1-11


2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

They're written by two different people who lived two VERY different God-lead lives... Yet somehow, they speak of something similar. :)

Okay guys, God bless on your personal time communing with God :)

(P.S. I'm not really sure if there are people who read my blog, so I feel kind of silly writing to people I'm not sure are there... But nonetheless, I hope you guys are out there :) Leave me a comment to let me know you're there :>)

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