Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Year

2012 is here, and this saint has been negligent of his writing duties for quite some time now.

But, that's going to change... NOW.

I've been doing a LOT of thinking lately, and a LOT of thinking and prayer leads to a lot of new insight that I would love to share. So I've finally decided to put them up. This platform doesn't seem to be adequate enough though. This blog has been mine for a few years now, and somethings here are not really uplifting nor encouraging. So yes, I promise to write weekly (praying I could keep that up) but as to where I'd be writing, I'd be figuring out a way to get that worked out -- either I clean this one up, or relocate.

Rest assured, I will be writing soon. I'll probably start on February (If I can start earlier, then all the better!)

Till then,

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