Friday, February 12, 2010

Delusional | Obsessed

Okay, so I actually was planning to blog about an update regarding the "430Php" thing, and mind you, I actually have somehow already composed what I was going to be write...

But then, when I focused on the issue of actually being "delusional" and/or "obsessed" ...

Something just gushes forth within me, and poof... I'm lost again in a semi-trance state.

Okay, I know it seems like I am romanticizing things, and I do know my exaggeration tendencies, but in this matter? How I wish I'm just over-reacting.


My mind's sort of clearing, maybe I can right something now.

(And I have to do it fast, my laptop's battery is about to be completely drained.)


Okay, so on the issue of whether it is "right" or not with Him, is still unclear. Maybe its just me blurring the line, being insensitive, OR maybe He just doesn't think that it already is time for me to know...

I'm currently patiently waiting for this Sunday; I sort of made of a deal with Him... Again, operative word being "sort of"...

Uhmmm... What else?

I guess that's it...

Actually, I was planning to create a post that would somehow be able to enlighten some of my concerned friends about what I really am babbling about...

But apparently, I've failed horribly...

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