Thursday, February 25, 2010

Three Things

Mountain Trekking is plain F.U.N. ^^ Yes, of course it was pretty tiring... Okay, enough with the euphemism... it WAS tiring. BUT WAIT! The summit was worth every aching muscle! What's more? It just reaffirmed how NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING shouts praises louder than creation! Atop that majestic mountain, I couldn't help but be in pure awe of how magnificent my God is! And that's not all... Apparently His creations weren't enough, He just had to make me realize: I was with you every faltering step of the way. If that doesn't send chills down your spine, then maybe you have yet to know how HE actually feels like.

The trip up was around 3 hours long, very painful on the legs and thighs, not to mention the heat from the ever present sun. The 2-hour trip back down was less painfulbut still it was, this time on your ankles and knees. AT LEAST though, at the third station of the mountain, there was a Halo-Halo (A Filipino cold treat, mixed fruits with jellies or what-nots, milk, some sugar, and crushed ice) stand! And there were coconut vendors up there too!

If the mountain was not enough, the beach was a definite plus! We camped by the shore, yeap, we slept in tents, cooked our own food, and fended for ourselves! (Haha, the last one not really true in the truest sense of the word.)

It was a camp out for our PE class, Walking For Fitness, and yes, its pretty peculiar how our walking class ended up hiking... But whatever! It was FUN!


Apparently, UP (University of the Philippines) is now taking pro-nature steps: plastic cups and stryofoam containers are not anymore allowed in our canteens!(Okay, so I'm not really sure about the memorandum that was issued out, but base on what little I know, I write.) Its not really that significant, but I don't know, somehow it just seemed like a nice thing to write about; and besides, I had this weird feeling holding the paper cup in my hand when I first bought a drink from one of our canteens that usually gave me my drink in a plastic cup. Well, I guess its just that bubbly feel that you have been part of something historic. Haha.

ARGH!!! I forgot the last thing I was going to write about =(

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