Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Saint Communes 5 (3.2)

Coincidentally, today's passage both for the Love Series and the Saint Commune is one and the same! (Talk about God knowing?! :D)

John 13:33-35

In this passage, Jesus gave the disciples a NEW command:



Well, firstly, of course, IT'S A COMMAND. We have to follow, we are servants after all!

Secondly? Well, let's see what Jesus has to say:

"By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another." (Jn. 13:35)

This is our mark, it's that which sets us apart. LOVE.

This world is very keen on love, yet it never really understood it. If you'd ask me? In this world, without God, there is no love. It's just a complex chain of Social Exchange taking place. It's when people do things JUST BECAUSE they benefit from it, and/or they're getting something equal to that which they spend/give out.

So if we only do such, what then sets us apart? We are after all, citizen's of Heaven, Bride of the Lamb!

The answer? Jesus Christ clearly said it: LOVE.

If we learn to love others, only then can the world see we truly are loving.

Thing is, love is not something our humanness can handle, so how can we love?

If, and only IF, we get to know His love for us. (1 Jn. 4:19) We cannot give what we don't have, and love is not something we humans are capable of.

So at the end of it all? It still is all about our relationship with Jesus. The more we know Him, the more we experience His love; and the more we experience that, the more we learn to love others; the more others we love, the more people will come to know Him; and the more people coming together in Him, the more love goes around!

So, LOVE ON! But be sure to get it from the right source!

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