Sunday, April 27, 2008

First Sunday

Yup, exactly as the tittle states... Its the first Sunday, the first Sunday that I have to pass without my dad. I think, more than any other day or days, its during Sundays that I'll really miss my dad.

Only during Sundays do we have the most bonding time in the whole week, as a family. And usually, occasions, special occasions are held during Sundays.

Every Sunday we tend to go out, YUP. EVERY (that's as far as I can remember st least).

I thinks, its just that there are quite a lot of changes that I have to cope with. A lot of "Sunday routines" or practices that have been... How do I say this... Broken?


I miss him.

But I do know, that this is all for the better! And that
"All things work together for good, for those who love the Lord!"


Always keep God in mind.
Especially His words! =)

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