Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Early! =)

I've learned my lesson! =) I have to use my time wisely from now on, so better start posting! =))

Sigh... =

So... Today... Hmm...

Oh yeah! We celebrated Mae's birthday today! =)
We actually made it look like we forgot all about her birthday, and thus we ended up with a "belated" celebration.

She was REALLY happy!

It was a CRAZY party I tell you!
We had pizzas and soft drinks (they were plentiful BTW) And we goofed around a LOT!

After eating, we proceeded to showing Mae a presentation for her birthday, Powerpoint Presentation, and it was really neat! A lot of Mae's friends participated, gave crazy but really touching and meaningful messages. There was even a video of our friend Wendy who's currently in the US of A, it was great seeing her again, though only in a video recording, moreover, it was really heart warming to hear her voice again.


After that, we kind of went our separate ways already, well not really disperse, but... I don't know, we sort of like did our own thing. Then one by one people left. And then Ennah came up with this crazy idea of making a music video! =)
(Well, music videos made by us, are actually those videos wherein we "act" and then in the background a song plays. Some what like those you see on Myx, MTV, or [V]. Only, we just lipsynch to the song.)
But we had fun, and it was really tiring as well... Well I guess all the laughing tired us out! =))

After that? We stayed together, me, Ennah, Darlene (Talento), and Mae... We sort of roamed around, met this and that... No one significant really. (Well, I mean no significant conversations, etc.)

We talked about a lot of stuffs! From slippers to the prom, to the year organization, CSA, Fair, Sports fest, and many many more! =)

It's really nice to have substantial people to talk to! =)


Time really flies without you, it waits for no one. (Have to learn that the hard way.Sadly)
People change, but that doesn't mean they aren't who they used to be, its quite contradictory right? But its true. I guess people can't really change who they are, they basically just keep on adding layers and layers of "masks" to hide who they really are and what they really are so as to be able to cope with this world's "trends". And to be able to see through those facades is a treasured ability that people desire.
Errors can easily be seen when you are using a different perspective to look at things, usually by looking at your handy-works with your perspective it's perfect, but try to look at it from other's perspective and you'll find errors you didn't see before. So never judge an individual by what they do, maybe they just don't see things the way you see them, and that's not a crime. The crime is when you act rashly to the circumstance of judging the person in question.

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